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facial aesthetics
09 de março de 2013
Samanta Rosa
The search for aesthetic treatments is growing every day and the main goal is to improve, preserve and restore the beauty and youth, providing improvements in quality of life both in the physical and mental.
The aesthetic is related to health and appearance will. It focuses on the beauty and wellness. Its purpose is to enhance the natural beauty of each individual, thus affecting not only the appearance but also physiological and psychological issues improving self-esteem.
As aesthetics is also a cultural issue, it is directed through the standards of beauty of every culture is driven by the media, and global standards. Thus there is a constant preoccupation with beauty, coupled with the desire of eternal youth.
The skin is the coating of our organism suffering severe environmental influences as the solar rays which transmit ultraviolet radiation, pollution which favors the formation of free radicals among others. So are indispensable as skin care for prevention of cosmetic changes.
It's time to pamper yourself with the arrival of summer, we can not forget that this season also require specific care. Today in the market there are various types of aesthetic treatments that can be performed in the summer to improve facial aesthetics, remembering the care with sun exposure that this time of year is more intense.To have beautiful skin and healthy looking, it is important to have good habits, such as deep facial cleansing known as skin cleansing is an alternative, considered by laymen as just one step in a beauty treatment, but it is only the top and base of any option facial aesthetics, which prevents aging of the skin and helps to control oiliness.
Another option is skin exfoliation encouraging cell renewal that this time of year is essential, aiding in facial rejuvenation. We perform this procedure with cosmetics that contain abrasives such as exfoliating or with devices like the crystal and diamond peeling is a technique incorporated into the system there is a job of removing the stratum corneum (the first layer of skin) that prepares the skin for aesthetic procedures, working in the bleaching of stains, softening fine lines, skin thinning thus facilitating the permeation of cosmetics with greater speed and effectiveness, thus improving the appearance of skin.
Procedimentos que podem ser realizados no verão, sem esquecer de combiná-los com no nosso indispensável filtro solar.
The great advantages of these treatments are a quick recovery, virtually painless, does not hinder nor social, nor professional. Obtaining satisfactory results within a short time.
The aesthetic professionals dealing with very sensitive issues such as health and wellness, which require discipline, dedication, study, ethics, responsibility and knowledge. So look for a trained professional to perform the technique and to indicate the best treatment.
Thus, we can conceptualize the aesthetic, in this new millennium, as the science that seeks harmony abroad, dealing with health and welfare of the individual, bearing in mind that the outside reflects the inside.
A great summer everyone!
Samanta Rosa
Aesthetic Clinic Belle Amie
and Post - Graduate in Applied Cosmetology and Aesthetics Cosmeceuticals-PUC-Curitiba-PR
Aesthetics and Beauty